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Language of the Heart

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What is the "Language of the Heart?"

The "language of the heart" is a child's first language. It is the language that they speak in the home. It is the language in which they have the most vocabulary knowledge. It is the language that feels the best to the child and to the family.

It is the language that we must acknowledge and respect as the language that ensures a sense of belonging, well-being, engagement, and expression.

Learning English is also an important way to support a child's sense of belonging. There are many things we can do to support English Language Learners in preschool.

CLICK HERE to learn about some of the methods and strategies that research has proven effective in preparing young ELLs for kindergarten.

8 Strategies for Preschool ELLs' Language and Literacy Development

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CLICK HERE to learn for a FABULOUS set of "tip sheets" for parents in 12 different languages!

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