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Do you remember a special teacher or positive relationship from when you were a young child? For me, it was a special teacher that I had in grade two. Mrs. Graham made me feel "felt". She noticed me when I felt pretty invisible most of the time. One day as we were lining up to go out for recess, she kissed her finger and tapped me on the nose. I felt so special that I can remember this like it was yesterday! I remember her smile, her eyes, and even what she was wearing! And not surprisingly, I can still remember what Mrs. Graham taught us back in grade two.

Relationships matter. According to "Think, Feel, Act: Lessons from Research" (2013), part of Ontario's pedagogy for the Early Years (see "websites" for a link), "there is now an explosion of knowledge that tells us that healthy development cannot happen without good relationships between children and the important people in their lives, both within the family and outside of it" (p. 5).

How we interact with children is JUST as important as the activities we offer them.

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© 2019 Martha Kovack

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